Thursday, August 21, 2014

August: Osage County

August: Osage County
Catherine Bliss Leonard

            In 2014 no one could predict who would be winning at the Oscars.  It was an undeniable successful year for cinema and one movie on everyone’s tongue was August: Osage County, most noted for the incredible female performances by the legendary Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts who play mother and daughter.
            I would describe the genre of August: Osage County as a dark comedy, very dark.  While watching it, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by the dark storyline and painful family life you as a viewer are witnessing, but the fact that the film does consume you in such a way proves that it is well done.  The mood is not the only dark part of the movie, but the lighting is also literally dark, specifically during the scenes taking place inside of the house.  I believe that this was not a mistake yet a specific choice due to the fact that most of the family feuds take place here creating the dark mood I mentioned before.  This creates a more intense feeling for the audience.  The minimal makeup and costuming give the film a sense of realness, our eyes are not blocked with Hollywood glamour, yet strong female characters that we can relate to.  The script is also an example of reality, the writers did not hold back on using curse words, which could usually be scene as inappropriate, but in my opinion added even more realism to the film.  The most famous scene of the movie, the “fish scene” is filled with curse words, but it only heightens the tension and does not distract viewers. 
            Overall, August: Osage County had its countless nominations for a reason and will continue to be viewed as an incredibly real and relatable movie for centuries.